Double Trouble

In the work Sun and God’s Grace the three heroines appear as libidinal objects of each other’s fantasies. The teenage girl rimagines a schoolgirl-slut, and the Sun appears in the fantasies of the Girl on the Carpet, who is identified with the teenage girl who has grown up. Thus, the first heroine goes through a transformation in which she is accompanied by an imaginary friend, who can be the object of desire and a mirror image of herself — and who also undergoes a transformation. Thus Sun and God’s grace works as a mirror room filled with shifted and distorted reflections. The mirror looks at the mirror, and the mistress of the living person and the person who entered the room gets lost in the labyrinth of her changing and elusive reflections.
A teenage girl paints the lips of a schoolgirl-slut, noticing in her the image of her own maturing sensuality, as well as the hypertrophied “feminine standard”. In this way, it plays with both the restrictions and prohibitions of the post-Soviet school environment, which pathologies and stains guilt and fear of punishment on prepubertal sexuality, as well as the expectations of a patriarchal society. The girl-on-the-carpet masturbates, identifying herself with the image of the Sun — a creature at the same time fantastic, extraterrestrial, extremely sexualized and as external as possible, endowed with superficiality — seductive and impenetrable. The appearance of the Sun on the market, at the train station, among the minibus stops provokes both panic and fun among passers-by. An object that is infinitely unlike the ones seen before is open, vulnerable, accessible to the eye and touch. Surprised glances, filming on smartphone cameras, awkward jokes and timid flirtations turn into a flurry of aggressive harassment, a parade of alcohol and masculinity on the outskirts of the city. But the Sun passes through an unfriendly reality like a knife through butter, escaping her alienation. The final spit-ejaculation-blessing that falls on the body of the Girl-onthe- carpet, loops the line of imagination about the “other self” — the core line of work. Tattoo WTF is gender? on Sun’s shoulder (a real tattoo on the artist’s body) turns fantasizing into a liberating practice in which “feminine” and other gender markers flash as a glitter of special effects to give the way for new and new features in the infinite formation of the subject.